FBI Intelligence Analyst Careers

FBI Intelligence Analysts serve as the intelligence collecting, evaluating and processing personnel of this highly esteemed federal agency.  Intelligence Analyst jobs may involve gathering information from a variety of channels, including human intelligence, other intelligence agencies, electronic and internet surveillance, interrogations, and criminal investigations.

Career Tracks for FBI Intelligence Analysts

Intelligence Analysts may choose between three career tracks: Tactical, Collection & Reporting, or Strategic.  Although all three tracks utilize similar methods of evaluating and repackaging intelligence, each specialty produces reports for different purposes.

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Tactical analysts provide up-to-the-minute information about the specific threats that have already matured or on the operational horizon. These analysts are often embedded with active units and provide information on the impending mission.  They may assist in preparation for a mission as well as the gathering of data following successful operations, which may involve interrogations, technology analysis and crime scene investigations.

Collection and Reporting analysts are handlers of raw intelligence.  They manage intelligence gathering methodologies with the intent of improving accuracy and prompt collection. They often utilize linguists and decryption technologies to decipher high priority intelligence that may help tactical units better prepare for a mission or more quickly and effectively achieve success.

Strategic analysts assist in threat analysis, policy formulation and strategic resource application.  These analysts often use the processed information of others in order to generate comprehensive strategies that address and eliminate threats.  These analysts use a big picture approach to organizational management, which enhances intelligence, criminal investigations and national security operational performance.

FBI Intelligence Analyst Job Description

FBI Intelligence Analysts are expected to possess extremely high proficiency in the following areas:

  • Retrieve information that is secured on information systems
  • Question suspects for intelligence
  • Develop immediate and long term responses to intelligence
  • Produce reports and studies based on collected information
  • Prioritize intelligence reports according to their accuracy, potential injury, and credibility
  • Assist operational personnel achieve objectives in investigations and national security strategies
  • Maintain awareness of emerging threats domestically and abroad
  • Identify and cultivate intelligence assets
  • Develop intelligence officer training and development programs that mesh with agency objectives
  • Provide accurate assessments of missions, plans, and personnel to senior agents
  • Analyze bureau operations in order to identify administrative inefficiencies and produce recommendations that correct liabilities


FBI Intelligence Analyst Salary and Job Benefits

A FBI Intelligence Analyst jobs are available at the rank of GS-7 or higher, with the potential to ascend up to GS-14 in a non-management role.  Supervisors, managers, instructors, and executive careers may achieve the top pay grade of GS-15. For 2012 the salary ranges for these pay grades are as follows:

General Schedule Grade
Pay Range
General Schedule 7
General Schedule 8
General Schedule 9
General Schedule 10
General Schedule 11
General Schedule 12
General Schedule 13
General Schedule 14
General Schedule 15

In addition to the base pay, FBI Intelligence Analysts also receive Law Enforcement Availability Pay (LEAP), which is a bonus of 25 percent of base salary.  LEAP is compensation for extended work hours, hazardous duty and 24-7 availability.  Some job postings may also provide a bonus for the cost of living.

All FBI personnel receive a generous benefits package that includes the following:

  • Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB) with the option of vision and dental plans
  • Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP)
  • Federal Flexible Spending Account Program (FSAFEDS) which provides added coverage for medical and dependent care expenses
  • Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA) provides benefits for injuries or disability as a result of on-the-job events
  • Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program (FEGLI)
  • Federal Employee Retirement System Life Insurance Benefits (FERS)
  • Employee Benevolent Fund provides added benefits to survivors in case of employee’s demise
  • Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) permits retirement after 20 to 30 years of service
  • Thrift Savings Plan is the federal government’s version of 401k plans
  • Between 13 and 26 days of annual leave per year in addition to 10 paid holidays
  • Paid training

To learn more about how to become an FBI Intelligence Analyst, click here.

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